Monday 16 May 2011

SA Dairy Championships Dinner

Slow Food Convivium

Calving season at Dalewood

Sowing of winter grain

With the positive growth in the number of heifers, the Farm Team has been expanding the pastures and sowing winter grains for their cows that are fresh in milk in order to have enough grazing in about 60 days time when the permanent irrigated pastures go into hibernation. They have just completed the sowing of 21 hectares for winter grazing beginning with the gentle nurturing of the biological life in the soil; an intensive preparation. Dalewood’s preferential seed mix is a combination of oats & barley with a natural winter rye grass. Thankfully this is a very rewarding task upon completion as all being well the seed germinates within 24 hours. Most importantly this is an entirely natural process, Dalewood doesn’t use any artificial fertilizers, insecticides or weed killers.

Five new family members on the farm

Bubbles one of Dalewood's hyperactive Jack Russell’s recently had four puppies. Rob decided to extend the family further & has imported a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy all the way from Kwazulu Natal!